Articles on: Is Pridefit right for me?

Why a "gay" fitness program?

There is no difference between a gay or straight fitness program except that this is our space. Cultivating environments for gay people to meet, lift each other up, and build confidence together is, and will continue to be, hugely important to offset traditionally non queer-friendly places. We deserve to be welcome in the gym just as much as anyone else. Let’s build that confidence together.

What our team has learned with our collective 30+ years in the fitness industry is that community is one of the most important factors in building sustainable habits. We don't have any fitness groups that are tailored specifically to the needs of the LGBTQIA+ community. Especially for individuals who live outside of urban cities, this engagement with other gay people can be the make or break of establishing their fitness routine.

Updated on: 25/10/2024

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