Articles on: Is Pridefit right for me?

What equipment you need for Pridefit

The equipment you'll need for Pridefit depends on the program you choose!

Our Home program only requires a set of dumbbells, but we suggest having a light set of dumbbells (10-20lbs) and a heavy set of dumbbells (25-35lbs) if possible! If you're only buying one set of dumbbells, a 20-25lbs set should be fine!

Our Gym and Build programs incorporate the use of both dumbbells and barbells, as well as some additional gym equipment such as a bench or boxes. If you have access to a gym, you'll most likely have everything you need to take full advantage of the program!

Our on-demand workouts have a variety of options for equipment, including tons of bodyweight workouts that have no equipment required!

Updated on: 05/11/2024

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