Articles on: Is Pridefit right for me?

Is this too advanced for me?

Some workouts are probably too advanced for you! That's okay! The benefit of a small fitness app like Pridefit is that we can give you individualized attention to scale workouts to fit your needs if you ask for it.

Here's what happens most of the time:

Someone looks at a fitness program that looks intimidating and challenging.

They decide they're not fit enough to give it a try.

They jump on any "fitness hack" that comes their way because they're at their wits end not getting fitness results.

I can’t emphasize enough the importance of just getting started.

Yes, this can be applied to just about every area of your life, but I’m talking specifically about fitness.

When we push off the fitness program or eating better, the barrier to entry gets higher and higher. Our brain perceives these challenges as harder and harder, and the likelihood of getting started gets lower and lower.

This kind of procrastination is incredibly common. When we think about a task as being a heavy lift, it’s easy for us to want to start tomorrow, next week, or even next year because you think you’re going to have to give up your whole life to accomplish it.

This is the problem though.

Rather than thinking about fitness and nutrition as completely changing your life on day one, we have to shift our mindset toward incremental change. In a perfect world, day one on a fitness program only looks slightly different than day zero. Maybe you got a ten minute workout in. Maybe you ate a vegetable at dinner and that was the only nutrition change you made.

I’ve always hated cold water. And every time I’ve ever had to swim in a cold pool, everyone says that I should just jump in and get it over with. It’s not so bad when you actually get in the water, but easing your way in one inch at a time is going to be incredibly painful.

When it comes to your fitness, I want you to be baby like me. I want you to ease your way into the water. Diving in and getting it over with may seem like the least painful way to start your fitness, but it neglects to set up any frameworks for longevity. Fast results just don’t last.

The slower you ease your way into the pool of fitness and nutrition, the higher the likelihood that you’ll stick to your program and achieve your goals. I know this can be frustrating when we want results fast, but here’s the good news:

Because we’re starting so small, there’s no reason for you not to get started today. Add a vegetable to your plate at dinner every night this week. Go on three power walks with friends. Establish the least amount of work you can do while still heading in the direction of your health goals and start today. You got this.

Updated on: 24/10/2024

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